Friday, July 29, 2011
The Odyssey
In “The Odyssey” by Homer, Odysseus constantly becomes victim to temptation and his struggles to make it to his home land of Ithaca. Odysseus has to resist the temptations of not only man but also gods. Odysseus also has the god Athena on his side in his battle home. Athena is the god of wisdom who convinces Zues to help Odysseus on his journey home.
Here is one of the temptation's given to Odysseus by the nymph called Calypso. Odysseus becomes trapped on Calypso's island. She has a spell set on Odysseus so he can’t leave the island. Eventually Athena gets Zues to send the messenger for the gods called Hermie's to give Calypso the message to release Odysseus from the island. The temptation in this is that if Odysseus decides to stay on the island with Calypso he will have eternal life and youth. But Odysseus is faithful and yearns to be with his wife and in his own home. Calypso helps hi build a ship and sends him off to sea, a long voyage awaits him. The next island Odysseus stoops at is the lotus eaters and he faces the temptation o eating the lotus flower. Thankfully Odysseus dose not eat he flower and can leave the island unscathed and with all of his men. The next island that Odysseus stops at is the island of the Cyclops.
At the island of the Cyclops Odysseus makes one big mistake. He boasts about whom blinded the Cyclops. If he would have never done that his journey home would have been made easy. If he didn't boast Poseidon would have not known who blinded his son. One of the challenges that Odysseus had to face was sailing on the sea with the sea god Poseidon angered at him. The next tests of Odysseus will be at the island were Circe dwells. Circe is a goddess who hates men and turns them in to animals. again the god Athena helps Odysseus out and sends Hermes with a plant which weakens Circe’s power and she gives in to Odysseus and turns his me back into people and not pigs as long as he does her a few favors. Circe’s offers Odysseus to stay with her and he declines. Odysseus is not the only one who has to avoid the temptation his men also half to overcome it though they fail costing them their lives.
Anywise Odysseus makes it home to Ithaca and to his wife over a long and straying journey and he overcame all of the temptations and the struggles capable person . This story shows that if a person who wants to do something and sets there mind to it is a very capable subject.
Here is one of the temptation's given to Odysseus by the nymph called Calypso. Odysseus becomes trapped on Calypso's island. She has a spell set on Odysseus so he can’t leave the island. Eventually Athena gets Zues to send the messenger for the gods called Hermie's to give Calypso the message to release Odysseus from the island. The temptation in this is that if Odysseus decides to stay on the island with Calypso he will have eternal life and youth. But Odysseus is faithful and yearns to be with his wife and in his own home. Calypso helps hi build a ship and sends him off to sea, a long voyage awaits him. The next island Odysseus stoops at is the lotus eaters and he faces the temptation o eating the lotus flower. Thankfully Odysseus dose not eat he flower and can leave the island unscathed and with all of his men. The next island that Odysseus stops at is the island of the Cyclops.
At the island of the Cyclops Odysseus makes one big mistake. He boasts about whom blinded the Cyclops. If he would have never done that his journey home would have been made easy. If he didn't boast Poseidon would have not known who blinded his son. One of the challenges that Odysseus had to face was sailing on the sea with the sea god Poseidon angered at him. The next tests of Odysseus will be at the island were Circe dwells. Circe is a goddess who hates men and turns them in to animals. again the god Athena helps Odysseus out and sends Hermes with a plant which weakens Circe’s power and she gives in to Odysseus and turns his me back into people and not pigs as long as he does her a few favors. Circe’s offers Odysseus to stay with her and he declines. Odysseus is not the only one who has to avoid the temptation his men also half to overcome it though they fail costing them their lives.
Anywise Odysseus makes it home to Ithaca and to his wife over a long and straying journey and he overcame all of the temptations and the struggles capable person . This story shows that if a person who wants to do something and sets there mind to it is a very capable subject.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
prison walls
The things that I see when I look into the orange groves, I see a prison wall, a wall of trees meant to keep all of its inmates in and disorientated. I see mouton's on the other side which are meant to send a message to the inmates that even if they can get over the wall of trees that they still cant leave and if they try they will be shot down by the trials that await them in the hills. When I look at SPA I see a small place on this earth that wants to be free and excepted in the normal world and not locked up like this place is a prison or a zoo.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
chore list
Chore List:
1.Wake up
2. brush teeth
3.make bed
4.take shower
5.get dressed
6.clean bathroom
7.clean room
8.use bathroom
9.get coffee
10.fill out homework form
11.find iPod
12.listen to music
13.walk to cafe
14.get yelled at by Johnny nothing
16. complain about SPA
17.go find Steven
18.go to school
19.sleep in class
20.complain about people little to no work
22.go to Priester’s class
23.annoy class
24.go home
1.Wake up
2. brush teeth
3.make bed
4.take shower
5.get dressed
6.clean bathroom
7.clean room
8.use bathroom
9.get coffee
10.fill out homework form
11.find iPod
12.listen to music
13.walk to cafe
14.get yelled at by Johnny nothing
16. complain about SPA
17.go find Steven
18.go to school
19.sleep in class
20.complain about people little to no work
22.go to Priester’s class
23.annoy class
24.go home
Monday, July 11, 2011
summer school plAN
During summer school I will do all of the work that I need to, and do every thing I need to do to pass. When I need help I will ask Ms. Priester for help and see what I can do to pass.When I am tempted to do some thing that will distract me or other’s I will withdraw from the situation and do my st to get back on task and complete my work. After school I will go home and sleep, then do hour and then sleep some more At the end of three weeks, I hope to have passed my class and gotten a gread hier that a D.
Friday, July 8, 2011
The many reasons that a San Pasqual student should build a relationship with there county caseworker. Some students cant stand there county caseworker and all of the staff at the academy. Thees students have the right to dislike there caseworker and any staff, but only for good reasons. All to the same token thees students should respect there authority and fallow all of the rules. Also students tend to use there county caseworkers for the wrong reasons, such as to gripe about there life and any thing that goes wrong in there life/placement.
That is not what there county caseworker is for, they are there to help you live in the system and make shore that all of your rights are met and that you are not being mistreated and or abused. One of the many things that students are far to good at is claiming that they are being mistreated by being given a punishment for the stupidest things and refusing to serve it will only make things worse for the student and make things harder for the county caseworker. Every thing that the student gets in trouble for means that the county caseworker has to fill out paper work on that student and record it in that students file. One other thing the county caseworker has to manage ten to twenty students at one time there job is not easy for them and us students tend to forget that.
The way that students should get to now there county caseworker is to go up to the county offices and have a discussion about there placement and their goals for the future and what the student should work on that week. One other thing that is a good thing to talk about is what kind of a job that that students want for there future. Believe it or not but the county caseworker can help the student find and use the available racorcs in there community.And if the student kneads help with there goals they can also turn to there county caseworker for help and guidance for there situation. But remember that the student is not the only child assigned to that county caseworker, and it may take some time for the county caseworker to be available to help that student.
Students that build a strong and healthy relationship with there county caseworker tend to do better in the long run. A large amount of students who keep a close relationship with there county caseworker tend to keep in touch with there caseworker after they leave the program and also will ushaley get a job and a steady place to live in there adult hood. Some students don't get jobs or steady places to live and will just become another number in the system of prison and grave yards.
The main reason that students should maintain a close relationship with there county caseworker is so that the student can make use of there opportunities and lead on a successful life.
That is not what there county caseworker is for, they are there to help you live in the system and make shore that all of your rights are met and that you are not being mistreated and or abused. One of the many things that students are far to good at is claiming that they are being mistreated by being given a punishment for the stupidest things and refusing to serve it will only make things worse for the student and make things harder for the county caseworker. Every thing that the student gets in trouble for means that the county caseworker has to fill out paper work on that student and record it in that students file. One other thing the county caseworker has to manage ten to twenty students at one time there job is not easy for them and us students tend to forget that.
The way that students should get to now there county caseworker is to go up to the county offices and have a discussion about there placement and their goals for the future and what the student should work on that week. One other thing that is a good thing to talk about is what kind of a job that that students want for there future. Believe it or not but the county caseworker can help the student find and use the available racorcs in there community.And if the student kneads help with there goals they can also turn to there county caseworker for help and guidance for there situation. But remember that the student is not the only child assigned to that county caseworker, and it may take some time for the county caseworker to be available to help that student.
Students that build a strong and healthy relationship with there county caseworker tend to do better in the long run. A large amount of students who keep a close relationship with there county caseworker tend to keep in touch with there caseworker after they leave the program and also will ushaley get a job and a steady place to live in there adult hood. Some students don't get jobs or steady places to live and will just become another number in the system of prison and grave yards.
The main reason that students should maintain a close relationship with there county caseworker is so that the student can make use of there opportunities and lead on a successful life.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The princess chose this door because she wants him to live and be happy knowing there is a chance that one day they might be together again. She did not want him to die or suffer at all not to mention she could not live with herself if she new that she was responsible for his death.
The princess felt that the love they shared was to strong for her to lead him to death and he knows what he would do for her so he expects the same. The princess wanted him not to mery the women but also not to die. The man’s fate was decided by her decision.
The princess felt that the love they shared was to strong for her to lead him to death and he knows what he would do for her so he expects the same. The princess wanted him not to mery the women but also not to die. The man’s fate was decided by her decision.
The princess chose this door because she wants him to live and be happy knowing there is a chance that one day they might be together again. She did not want him to die or suffer at all not to mention she could not live with herself if she new that she was responsible for his death.
The princess felt that the love they shared was to strong for her to lead him to death and he knows what he would do for her so he expects the same. The princess wanted him not to mery the women but also not to die. The man’s fate was decided by her decision.
The princess felt that the love they shared was to strong for her to lead him to death and he knows what he would do for her so he expects the same. The princess wanted him not to mery the women but also not to die. The man’s fate was decided by her decision.
My best friend and were on the football feild playing a game against one of our rivals. At the time I was playing quarterback for my pop warner team. It was a play off game and I already ran for two touchdowns and through for two. My best friend was playing reciever but I didn't have any confidence in him because he dropped 4 of my passes in the first half. It was two minuates left in the game and we were down six points. I drove my team down the field with one last play to score a touch down. My best friend was wide open deep down the field and i had a wideopen lane to the endzone. Even though I didn't think he was going to catch the ball I through it to him anyway. surprisingly he caught
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The sniper theme.
The theme of the story the snipe is that war bring the worst of us to the light and we will do any thing to live including to live another any including killing our own brother. For example the story the sniper discovers that it is his brother that he shot. In the ending he was alive and that all that mattered.
the sniper.
The sniper is a story were there is a civil war and a sniper is sitting on a roof. HE is taking fire from another sniper across from him and is it in the arm. He plays a trick on the apposing sniper making the other sniper think he is dead. The other sniper stands up and he shoos with a revolver. He soon finds that it was his brother.
Monday, June 20, 2011
summer school
During class I will word diligently, and do every thing I need to do to pass. When I need help I will ask Ms. Priester for help and see what I can do to pass. When I am tempted to do some thing that will distract me or others I will withdraw from the situation and do my best to get back on task and complete my work. After school I will go home and sleep, then do hour and then sleep some more. Three weeks from now, I hope that I have my credets and will be passing my English class.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
He is dead!!!!!!!!
Obama gave the world some great news a few days ago and that news was that Asama Bin laden is dead. The news gets even better..... He was killed by one of our nave seals teams and they shot him in the head.
scean 1
John H.
Period 5
Date 5/5/11
Scene One
Characters: Hutch - Tall, white, shaggy hair, thin, homeless 15 years old
Steve - tall, thin, built, tattoos, shaved head, 23 years old, x marine
Setting: city of Escondido, an old abandoned were house filled with holes and trash
At Rise: Hutch Austin and Steve are siting in the old were house. Talking about how life sucks and they can they can live with out the system.
[sitting on a old tire, stressed and hungry]
So how are we going t get some food tonight?
And no Steve we are not going to give you money for beer.
[sitting on an old trashcan in the were house, board and tired]
Wow! this place is boring as all get out.
this sucks ...we are stuck in this warehouse till the sun go's down
[sitting on old tire]
Ya well do You want to get arrested for squatting in an old building and then get put back in the foster system?
[still on the trash can playing with a piece of wire]
No.... It was your dumb idea to stay in here and when we move camp again I'm choosing the spot!
[starts to stand up and stretching]
Well then we will have a issue... Every time you pick a spot we ether get stopped by cops or harassed by gang bangers.
[still siting]
Well that is not my fault.
[Walking in sickles]
Well I say that we stay here for a while.
[starts to stand up]
Why o you think that everything you do is better and that all I do is screw up.
Well............ The reason I act so Superior is that YOU DO ALYSE SCREW UP!
[sits back down]
I hate the way you alyse blame me for every hing.
The fact is w are staying here and hat is final.
Period 5
Date 5/5/11
Scene One
Characters: Hutch - Tall, white, shaggy hair, thin, homeless 15 years old
Steve - tall, thin, built, tattoos, shaved head, 23 years old, x marine
Setting: city of Escondido, an old abandoned were house filled with holes and trash
At Rise: Hutch Austin and Steve are siting in the old were house. Talking about how life sucks and they can they can live with out the system.
[sitting on a old tire, stressed and hungry]
So how are we going t get some food tonight?
And no Steve we are not going to give you money for beer.
[sitting on an old trashcan in the were house, board and tired]
Wow! this place is boring as all get out.
this sucks ...we are stuck in this warehouse till the sun go's down
[sitting on old tire]
Ya well do You want to get arrested for squatting in an old building and then get put back in the foster system?
[still on the trash can playing with a piece of wire]
No.... It was your dumb idea to stay in here and when we move camp again I'm choosing the spot!
[starts to stand up and stretching]
Well then we will have a issue... Every time you pick a spot we ether get stopped by cops or harassed by gang bangers.
[still siting]
Well that is not my fault.
[Walking in sickles]
Well I say that we stay here for a while.
[starts to stand up]
Why o you think that everything you do is better and that all I do is screw up.
Well............ The reason I act so Superior is that YOU DO ALYSE SCREW UP!
[sits back down]
I hate the way you alyse blame me for every hing.
The fact is w are staying here and hat is final.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I interviewd kurt on the M1a1M16 and how it works. He sead yhat it was one of the moast used rifles in vitnam. He also sead that a toy compiny made it so it was alyes madefunof.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Stay away!!!
The Ocean side per is one of the biggest lies in the truest attractions in our little city. And I’m here to tell you to stay away from it. The peer dose nothing but attract homeless kids and punks. I’m one of them and pleas dont com to the Oceanside peer. We all don't want you people down there.
Friday, April 29, 2011
not ok
There is nothing wrong whit having quoits from White men in our halls. If a white man in history has a famous quote then why shouldn't they be displayed in our halls.I also think that it is not write that if a white man seas something that offends a person of color it s conceited raciest but if a person of color seas some thing offencive to a white person it is ok.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I hate tests... And thinking about them!
I think that knowing test strategies and plays will not help me on the tests due to the fact of..... All of the tests bring up a lough of stress and anxiety. Every thing that I get right is due to the fact that I studied and knew the answer to the question. Not because I used some bogus test taking strategy. I mean yeah a strategy can help with sertant people i guess. What I’m trying to get at is that not all students will benefit from test strategies.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I hate tests
I honestly hate taking tests and I think they are dumb as can bee. But at the same time i under stand why we half to take them. I wish that the state could just take examples of our class work and see how well we do in class and not under massive amounts of perisher. I think that the stats scores would go up a lough heir if they judged us on our work instead of a test.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Random post
This weekend was one of the best passes I’ve gone on for a long time. I went surfing and also saw my girl friend. I fell asleep on the sand and got a horrible hand was on my stomach so there is a weird tan line. All of my friends wouldn't stop giving me a hard time and made fun of my tan line of a hand.
Friday, April 15, 2011
My favorite song:)
You and me, we're the same
Asking for more
More than the numbing existence
Offered us all
What did they say? What did they do?
To make you crawl back in
Despite everything that you've been through
You're still right here
> Where... I... left... you...
Find all of those strings that they're pulling
And keep from falling back
into our old rhythmic poses
Turning us into machines
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out}
And all these illusions
Dropped on a sea of believers
Crowding around as they hunt me down
And throw me out
While all the rest of the others
Bang their heads in the trenches
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out} x2
So don't give up on me
We can be still pretend
This is all just a game
That'll work itself out in the end
You and me, we're the same
Asking for more
More than the numbing existence
Offered us all
What did they say? What did they do?
To make you crawl back in
Despite everything that you've been through
You're still right here
> Where... I... left... you...
And keep from falling back
into our old rhythmic poses
Turning us into machines
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out}
And all these illusions
Dropped on a sea of believers
Crowding around as they hunt me down
And throw me out
While all the rest of the others
Bang their heads in the trenches
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out} x2
So don't give up on me
We can be still pretend
This is all just a game
That'll work itself out in the end
My favrot song:)
You and me, we're the same
Asking for more
More than the numbing existence
Offered us all
What did they say? What did they do?
To make you crawl back in
Despite everything that you've been through
You're still right here
> Where... I... left... you...
Find all of those strings that they're pulling
And keep from falling back
into our old rhythmic poses
Turning us into machines
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out}
And all these illusions
Dropped on a sea of believers
Crowding around as they hunt me down
And throw me out
While all the rest of the others
Bang their heads in the trenches
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out} x2
So don't give up on me
We can be still pretend
This is all just a game
That'll work itself out in the end
You and me, we're the same
Asking for more
More than the numbing existence
Offered us all
What did they say? What did they do?
To make you crawl back in
Despite everything that you've been through
You're still right here
> Where... I... left... you...
And keep from falling back
into our old rhythmic poses
Turning us into machines
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out}
And all these illusions
Dropped on a sea of believers
Crowding around as they hunt me down
And throw me out
While all the rest of the others
Bang their heads in the trenches
{And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
We won't all look the same way down
And one of these days we'll no longer betray
Ourselves in anyway
Then we'll all take the same way out} x2
So don't give up on me
We can be still pretend
This is all just a game
That'll work itself out in the end
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Third Quarter Awards Review
I thought that the awards assembly was a good and fun thing for SPA. All of the students deserve reconnection for what we do on compose and not just in school or for our grads. We need reconnection for helping out others and being cautious and kind to others or helping people get threw tough times. And don't put a dumb GPA requirement on the award. But over all the assembly was a big thing for the people who received a reward and should be continued.Also I hope that the 4th quarter one will be great because the seniors will be leaving.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The questions that I have for my recherche paper is what were the advantages of the M16 in Vietnam. And what were they? Another question I have is what were the disadvantages of the M16 in Vietnam. And what were they and why were they bad? They only things I know is that the M16 is a full auto gun and had main problems.
The play that My class went to see yesterday was a very different play and it was good. It was a very realistic play and that made it hard to watch. Some of the scenes were very offencive to me and were hard to watch. For example when the foster kids were being made fun of and comments were made about parents and I personally don't like that. Also when I saw the kid being taken away from his mother and lied to the child , that was hard to watch and was sorta offending that they would put that in a play. one other thing is that the school purposely took us to that play. And that is that.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My experience during the 4th quarter kick off was pretty good. I had a fun time playing the games and wish I was on a more enthusiastic team that would have put out more effort in wining the games. Over all I had a good experience and a fun day
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My Fave Iron Madden Song
"Run To The Hills"
White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes killed our creed
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free?
Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children are cowards attack
Run to the hills, run for your lives
Run to the hills, run for your lives
Soldier blue in the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good Indians are tame
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old
Run to the hills, run for your lives
"Run To The Hills"
White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes killed our creed
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free?
Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children are cowards attack
Run to the hills, run for your lives
Run to the hills, run for your lives
Soldier blue in the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good Indians are tame
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old
Run to the hills, run for your lives
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Resolute a stance of defiance
Always teetering on the brink
Nothing can hold you back when
When you're not holding back a thing
Open arms we embrace tomorrow
Closed fists, tarnishing today
We're not afraid to open our mouths and scream
We believe in what we say
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Covered in sweat and blood
Yet still our heads held high
Actions have consequences
When you life for foolish pride
Been careful not to lose ourselves
Stand together one passion, one hate
We believe in a better tomorrow
We believe in what we say
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
We'll fight out battles we'll wage our wars
Settle the scores with honor and blood
We'll wear our scars like medals of hope
Like medals of hope
Like medals of hope
We'll fight out battles we'll wage our wars
Settle the scores with honor and blood
We'll wear our scars like medals of hope
Like medals of hope(x2)
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn (x4)
Resolute a stance of defiance
Always teetering on the brink
Nothing can hold you back when
When you're not holding back a thing
Open arms we embrace tomorrow
Closed fists, tarnishing today
We're not afraid to open our mouths and scream
We believe in what we say
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Covered in sweat and blood
Yet still our heads held high
Actions have consequences
When you life for foolish pride
Been careful not to lose ourselves
Stand together one passion, one hate
We believe in a better tomorrow
We believe in what we say
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
We'll fight out battles we'll wage our wars
Settle the scores with honor and blood
We'll wear our scars like medals of hope
Like medals of hope
Like medals of hope
We'll fight out battles we'll wage our wars
Settle the scores with honor and blood
We'll wear our scars like medals of hope
Like medals of hope(x2)
Like a whisper to the dusk
An oath against the shadows
Denying the dark
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn
Like a prayer unto the dawn
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
In arms against the shadows
Destroying the dark (whisper to the dusk)
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 'til the break of dawn (x4)
4th quarter goal's
I achieved only one goal last quarter. It was a big one for me and one I will continue to work on this quarter. The goal is not getting kicked out of any classes. I accomplished it by not defying the authority's around Me.
The goal I have in this quarter is to pass all of my classes with a C or higher.
I can accomplish this goal by doing all of my work as soon as I get it and do my best not to fall behind.
The goal I have in this quarter is to pass all of my classes with a C or higher.
I can accomplish this goal by doing all of my work as soon as I get it and do my best not to fall behind.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I can't hear You
This weekend I went to a concert at Soma in SD and saw Escape the Fate, Motionless in white, Drive A, Aslaina,c and Get scard. The mosh pits were amazing FUN, and I got hit so hard in one of them that I couldn't stand up and Steven had to carie Me off to the side. Over all I lost My hearing ,My shirt, My mind , and My 2nd pair of pants.
IT Was Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT Was Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Hate it here!
All 5 reasons I can’t stand this place and all of its people in it!
0. There is a poser group named Incredible.
1. This place has way to many posers.
2. The kid’s here think that they are cool.
3. All roomers spread like wiled fire.
4. We all live, eat, breath together.
5. The Staff have No Control.
0. There is a poser group named Incredible.
1. This place has way to many posers.
2. The kid’s here think that they are cool.
3. All roomers spread like wiled fire.
4. We all live, eat, breath together.
5. The Staff have No Control.
I Freaking Fail
The reason that I’m not doing the Blog Jog is that I already have a low grade in this class and will fail no matter what I do this is all my fault for not trying in the deigning of the semester. So I see no point in doing this assignment to raise my low F to an high F. Ether way it is still an F.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
I would I ever join the military? Yes I would. I feel that the military at help in my life not only as something to believe in but to straighten out my life and teach me self discipline. The branch that I would join is the Marians. my family has served in every branch or the servos since WWII.
My Father was in the Navy and his father was in the Army. On My Mom’s side of the family they were all working in the medic hospitals and the factories in WWII. I believe for my personal benefit I should join the U.S.M.C. and serve my time in it.
My Father was in the Navy and his father was in the Army. On My Mom’s side of the family they were all working in the medic hospitals and the factories in WWII. I believe for my personal benefit I should join the U.S.M.C. and serve my time in it.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I stumbled upon
two roads in front of me,
to the right I could see a church
I took a step in that direction first
to the left there was a watering hole
and now that's where I wanna be
The fire here goes on and on
If I was perfect then this would be easy
Either road is plausible
I walk through the center with no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
There's gotta be another way
a way that's much more feasible
a central path without choosing a side
I make decisions one at a time
never say I'm always right
I stumbled upon
two roads in front of me,
to the right I could see a church
I took a step in that direction first
to the left there was a watering hole
and now that's where I wanna be
The fire here goes on and on
If I was perfect then this would be easy
Either road is plausible
I walk through the center with no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
There's gotta be another way
a way that's much more feasible
a central path without choosing a side
I make decisions one at a time
never say I'm always right
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Blessed with a curse.
Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl, it beats for two.
Because I got your love and I got these vices.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl.
I've been lying to you...
Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.
Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Because everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me, I can't hold on.l
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, every word I've said.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
This poem is a free verse with repetition.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl, it beats for two.
Because I got your love and I got these vices.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl.
I've been lying to you...
Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.
Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Because everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me, I can't hold on.l
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, every word I've said.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
This poem is a free verse with repetition.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Same Song
Looking good good is a way of conforming to a group/click in society and the politics of life. Looking good is an important thing in every day life consisting of work and the people you as a person are around but is not all that people should worie about and focus on there audited.
The speaker in the poem “Heart! We will forget him!” Is speaking as if her heart is another person because she knows that he is gone and over but her heart will Alyse think that he is there and will never forget him.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Imagery in a song
The song Young by: Hollywood Undead is a reminder of the constant struggle between foster children and the system. This song is written in the eye’s of a confused teen who sees the way life works on the streets and all of the emotion growing in Him/Her whale they try to figure out where they belong in life.
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
I see the children in the rain like the parade before the pain
I see the love, I see the hate, I see this world that we can make
I see the life, I see the sky, give it all to see you fly
Yes, we wave this flag of hatred but you're the ones who made it
Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes
I hear the hate in all your words, all the wars to make us hurt
We get so sick of so sick, we never wanted all this
Medication for the kids with no reason to live
So we march to the drums of the dammed as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
As we walk among these shadows, in these streets, this fields of battle
Take it up, we wear the medal, raise your hands with burning candles
Hear us whisper in the dark, in the rain you see the spark
Feel the beating of our hearts, fleeting hope as we depart
All together, walk alone against all we've ever known
All we've ever really wanted was a place to call our home
But you take all we are, the innocence of our hearts
Made to kneel before the alter as you tear us apart
So we march to the drums of the dammed as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
I see the children in the rain like the parade before the pain
I see the love, I see the hate, I see this world that we can make
I see the life, I see the sky, give it all to see you fly
Yes, we wave this flag of hatred but you're the ones who made it
Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes
I hear the hate in all your words, all the wars to make us hurt
We get so sick of so sick, we never wanted all this
Medication for the kids with no reason to live
So we march to the drums of the dammed as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
As we walk among these shadows, in these streets, this fields of battle
Take it up, we wear the medal, raise your hands with burning candles
Hear us whisper in the dark, in the rain you see the spark
Feel the beating of our hearts, fleeting hope as we depart
All together, walk alone against all we've ever known
All we've ever really wanted was a place to call our home
But you take all we are, the innocence of our hearts
Made to kneel before the alter as you tear us apart
So we march to the drums of the dammed as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I believe that the poem in which was assigned to me is superior to all other poems in this class due to the feeling and realization of the situation that is given in the reading of this poem.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Animal Farm has a lout of real world scenarios and actions in it. One of many examples is when Jessy had her puppies and they were taken from her at an early age to be taught a one sided and ignorant way to live, also to only do what they were told to do. In the real world this happens every day all day long by countries across the world and religions of all types including the U.S Military and government. In most situations the power over people is abused bu the Dictators in the situation. Some famous Dictators/Spatula Leaders who rose an army and a nation of people by creating fear and raising people from a young age’s are Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Mohamed.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Home Work
Revolution had bean a real problem in the last few days and almost every one has bean suffering since then. Few of us know how to cair for ourselves and that is a big problem. Lets start at the beginning. We all live in a wonderful place called S.P.A. where students live eat and breath 24/7. The staff who work here don't understand what it is like due to the fact of they get to go home every night and they irritate us to great extents. So finaly one day all of the students gathered in the gym for a meating and all decited that S.P.A. is our home and we they will run it themselves. So the next day all of the students assembled to over take S.P.A. and clime it as ours. So they all swarmed the staff on the campus and locked them in Ms.Priester’s room who was a teacher there and sent people to block the roads leading to there land of anarchy. The only problem was they did not know how to live alone from staff control. First thing they did was party and cause havoc, soon the next day every one was hungover, hungry and sick there was no one to help them and no rules to keep them in order. On the third day police came to see where all of the staff had gone. All of the kids were arrested and placements moved. No one ever found the staff in Ms.priester’s room.THE END.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Symbolism in “Through the Tunnel"

Click on the following link to view a bigger size of the project
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Prove your self
One of the many times I had to prove my self was when I first moved to SPA. I was told that I would not last and that I would get kicked out for drugs and fighting and I did not like hearing that. So I did and am doing every thing to stay hear including I stopped smoking weed and finely stopped smoking. Also I have started to do better in school and am trying to stay out of trouble.
By doing this I prove my self.
By doing this I prove my self.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Quarter Goals
I accomplished a lot of goals this year and most have nothing to do with school but one was very hard to accomplish in the time I accomplished it. Smoking! Yes I know I should not of started it but I did and I heavily regret it. I quit by replacing cigarettes with a food and routine of physical activity. Every time I wanted a smoke I would eat an orange and do 50 pushups. I completely quit on 10-10-10.
My goal fore the New Year is to get better grades in Ms.Priester class and maintain an C average in all of my classes. I will do all of my work in class and at home and ask for help if needed in class of at home.
My goal fore the New Year is to get better grades in Ms.Priester class and maintain an C average in all of my classes. I will do all of my work in class and at home and ask for help if needed in class of at home.
Winter Break
A memorable day of X-Mas break
It was the day after christmas and every one was tired from celebrating the night before and most people were home sleeping or at work. I went for a bike ride with a group of friends that morning and we went to ride a new spot over off Grand ave. we always go riding when I’m on pass and riding a new spot is always sorta scary. We don't know the police there and they don’t know us plus we don't know the grounds as well as we know the other riding spots and there are a lot of holes and ditches to avoid. Also we half to rebuild any old jumps that were there before and make shore they are sturdy and reliable. Not to mention we all had to get a light on our bike to avoid getting stopped by the cops. Later that night we all rode to 7-11 and got some food while Steve was watching the bikes a few other bikers rode up and tried to steal My bike and a few others Steve ran in and told us all that the bikes were stolen and they were going toword the mall and we all ran after them. Five minutes later we found the kids with the bikes and they were at the Coast highway sprinter stop. All of a sudden cops showed up and shined a spot light on us. An Officer got out of the car and said that we were all in trouble for shoplifting, that when we ran out of 7-11 Greg had a monster in his hand and did not even realize it. We tried to explain that people stole our bikes and they were right over there at the sprinter stop. Finlay the police started to listen to us and went over to the people who stole our bikes and asked them were they got the other bikes and that them matched the description we had given them and the kids kept on lying
to the cops and finally I showed the recite to the bike light’s we bought earlier that day. And that was enough evidence to get them arrested for theft and we were cut loos for Greg's stolen monster as long as we paid for it. And that was my memorable day on pass.
It was the day after christmas and every one was tired from celebrating the night before and most people were home sleeping or at work. I went for a bike ride with a group of friends that morning and we went to ride a new spot over off Grand ave. we always go riding when I’m on pass and riding a new spot is always sorta scary. We don't know the police there and they don’t know us plus we don't know the grounds as well as we know the other riding spots and there are a lot of holes and ditches to avoid. Also we half to rebuild any old jumps that were there before and make shore they are sturdy and reliable. Not to mention we all had to get a light on our bike to avoid getting stopped by the cops. Later that night we all rode to 7-11 and got some food while Steve was watching the bikes a few other bikers rode up and tried to steal My bike and a few others Steve ran in and told us all that the bikes were stolen and they were going toword the mall and we all ran after them. Five minutes later we found the kids with the bikes and they were at the Coast highway sprinter stop. All of a sudden cops showed up and shined a spot light on us. An Officer got out of the car and said that we were all in trouble for shoplifting, that when we ran out of 7-11 Greg had a monster in his hand and did not even realize it. We tried to explain that people stole our bikes and they were right over there at the sprinter stop. Finlay the police started to listen to us and went over to the people who stole our bikes and asked them were they got the other bikes and that them matched the description we had given them and the kids kept on lying
to the cops and finally I showed the recite to the bike light’s we bought earlier that day. And that was enough evidence to get them arrested for theft and we were cut loos for Greg's stolen monster as long as we paid for it. And that was my memorable day on pass.
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