Friday, July 29, 2011

poetry project

The Odyssey

In “The Odyssey” by Homer, Odysseus constantly becomes victim to temptation and his struggles to make it to his home land of Ithaca. Odysseus has to resist the temptations of not only man but also gods. Odysseus also has the god Athena on his side in his battle home. Athena is the god of wisdom who convinces Zues to help Odysseus on his journey home.
Here is one of the temptation's given to Odysseus by the nymph called Calypso. Odysseus becomes trapped on Calypso's island. She has a spell set on Odysseus so he can’t leave the island. Eventually Athena gets Zues to send the messenger for the gods called Hermie's to give Calypso the message to release Odysseus from the island. The temptation in this is that if Odysseus decides to stay on the island with Calypso he will have eternal life and youth. But Odysseus is faithful and yearns to be with his wife and in his own home. Calypso helps hi build a ship and sends him off to sea, a long voyage awaits him. The next island Odysseus stoops at is the lotus eaters and he faces the temptation o eating the lotus flower. Thankfully Odysseus dose not eat he flower and can leave the island unscathed and with all of his men. The next island that Odysseus stops at is the island of the Cyclops.
At the island of the Cyclops Odysseus makes one big mistake. He boasts about whom blinded the Cyclops. If he would have never done that his journey home would have been made easy. If he didn't boast Poseidon would have not known who blinded his son. One of the challenges that Odysseus had to face was sailing on the sea with the sea god Poseidon angered at him. The next tests of Odysseus will be at the island were Circe dwells. Circe is a goddess who hates men and turns them in to animals. again the god Athena helps Odysseus out and sends Hermes with a plant which weakens Circe’s power and she gives in to Odysseus and turns his me back into people and not pigs as long as he does her a few favors. Circe’s offers Odysseus to stay with her and he declines. Odysseus is not the only one who has to avoid the temptation his men also half to overcome it though they fail costing them their lives.
Anywise Odysseus makes it home to Ithaca and to his wife over a long and straying journey and he overcame all of the temptations and the struggles capable person . This story shows that if a person who wants to do something and sets there mind to it is a very capable subject.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Epic & Myth (Odyssey) Assessment Project

Friday, July 15, 2011

prison walls

The things that I see when I look into the orange groves, I see a prison wall, a wall of trees meant to keep all of its inmates in and disorientated. I see mouton's on the other side which are meant to send a message to the inmates that even if they can get over the wall of trees that they still cant leave and if they try they will be shot down by the trials that await them in the hills. When I look at SPA I see a small place on this earth that wants to be free and excepted in the normal world and not locked up like this place is a prison or a zoo.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

chore list

Chore List:

1.Wake up
2. brush teeth
3.make bed
4.take shower
5.get dressed
6.clean bathroom
7.clean room
8.use bathroom
9.get coffee
10.fill out homework form
11.find iPod
12.listen to music
13.walk to cafe
14.get yelled at by Johnny nothing
16. complain about SPA
17.go find Steven
18.go to school
19.sleep in class
20.complain about people little to no work
22.go to Priester’s class
23.annoy class
24.go home

Imagery Summary of Content Mini Project

To see more click on the link below:

Monday, July 11, 2011

summer school plAN

During summer school I will do all of the work that I need to, and do every thing I need to do to pass. When I need help I will ask Ms. Priester for help and see what I can do to pass.When I am tempted to do some thing that will distract me or other’s I will withdraw from the situation and do my st to get back on task and complete my work. After school I will go home and sleep, then do hour and then sleep some more At the end of three weeks, I hope to have passed my class and gotten a gread hier that a D.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The many reasons that a San Pasqual student should build a relationship with there county caseworker. Some students cant stand there county caseworker and all of the staff at the academy. Thees students have the right to dislike there caseworker and any staff, but only for good reasons. All to the same token thees students should respect there authority and fallow all of the rules. Also students tend to use there county caseworkers for the wrong reasons, such as to gripe about there life and any thing that goes wrong in there life/placement.
That is not what there county caseworker is for, they are there to help you live in the system and make shore that all of your rights are met and that you are not being mistreated and or abused. One of the many things that students are far to good at is claiming that they are being mistreated by being given a punishment for the stupidest things and refusing to serve it will only make things worse for the student and make things harder for the county caseworker. Every thing that the student gets in trouble for means that the county caseworker has to fill out paper work on that student and record it in that students file. One other thing the county caseworker has to manage ten to twenty students at one time there job is not easy for them and us students tend to forget that.
The way that students should get to now there county caseworker is to go up to the county offices and have a discussion about there placement and their goals for the future and what the student should work on that week. One other thing that is a good thing to talk about is what kind of a job that that students want for there future. Believe it or not but the county caseworker can help the student find and use the available racorcs in there community.And if the student kneads help with there goals they can also turn to there county caseworker for help and guidance for there situation. But remember that the student is not the only child assigned to that county caseworker, and it may take some time for the county caseworker to be available to help that student.

Students that build a strong and healthy relationship with there county caseworker tend to do better in the long run. A large amount of students who keep a close relationship with there county caseworker tend to keep in touch with there caseworker after they leave the program and also will ushaley get a job and a steady place to live in there adult hood. Some students don't get jobs or steady places to live and will just become another number in the system of prison and grave yards.
The main reason that students should maintain a close relationship with there county caseworker is so that the student can make use of there opportunities and lead on a successful life.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011