The many reasons that a San Pasqual student should build a relationship with there county caseworker. Some students cant stand there county caseworker and all of the staff at the academy. Thees students have the right to dislike there caseworker and any staff, but only for good reasons. All to the same token thees students should respect there authority and fallow all of the rules. Also students tend to use there county caseworkers for the wrong reasons, such as to gripe about there life and any thing that goes wrong in there life/placement.
That is not what there county caseworker is for, they are there to help you live in the system and make shore that all of your rights are met and that you are not being mistreated and or abused. One of the many things that students are far to good at is claiming that they are being mistreated by being given a punishment for the stupidest things and refusing to serve it will only make things worse for the student and make things harder for the county caseworker. Every thing that the student gets in trouble for means that the county caseworker has to fill out paper work on that student and record it in that students file. One other thing the county caseworker has to manage ten to twenty students at one time there job is not easy for them and us students tend to forget that.
The way that students should get to now there county caseworker is to go up to the county offices and have a discussion about there placement and their goals for the future and what the student should work on that week. One other thing that is a good thing to talk about is what kind of a job that that students want for there future. Believe it or not but the county caseworker can help the student find and use the available racorcs in there community.And if the student kneads help with there goals they can also turn to there county caseworker for help and guidance for there situation. But remember that the student is not the only child assigned to that county caseworker, and it may take some time for the county caseworker to be available to help that student.
Students that build a strong and healthy relationship with there county caseworker tend to do better in the long run. A large amount of students who keep a close relationship with there county caseworker tend to keep in touch with there caseworker after they leave the program and also will ushaley get a job and a steady place to live in there adult hood. Some students don't get jobs or steady places to live and will just become another number in the system of prison and grave yards.
The main reason that students should maintain a close relationship with there county caseworker is so that the student can make use of there opportunities and lead on a successful life.
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