Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the sniper.

The sniper is a story were there is a civil war and a sniper is sitting on a roof. HE is taking fire from another sniper across from him and is it in the arm. He plays a trick on the apposing sniper making the other sniper think he is dead. The other sniper stands up and he shoos with a revolver. He soon finds that it was his brother.

1 comment:

  1. John, it frustrates me that the directions for this assignment were not followed. For this post, you were supposed to write a paragraph to the following prompt that is found within the Quickwrite section. (What qualities enable a person to perform well when facing heart-pounding fear? Write a narrative paragraph to explain your answer. )

    Moreover, you did not comment on your peers' posts. Instead you copy/pasted the URL to this post--your post--TWICE.

    Please do not waste my time. Do your work.

