Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home Work

Revolution had bean a real problem in the last few days and almost every one has bean suffering since then. Few of us know how to cair for ourselves and that is a big problem. Lets start at the beginning. We all live in a wonderful place called S.P.A. where students live eat and breath 24/7. The staff who work here don't understand what it is like due to the fact of they get to go home every night and they irritate us to great extents. So finaly one day all of the students gathered in the gym for a meating and all decited that S.P.A. is our home and we they will run it themselves. So the next day all of the students assembled to over take S.P.A. and clime it as ours. So they all swarmed the staff on the campus and locked them in Ms.Priester’s room who was a teacher there and sent people to block the roads leading to there land of anarchy. The only problem was they did not know how to live alone from staff control. First thing they did was party and cause havoc, soon the next day every one was hungover, hungry and sick there was no one to help them and no rules to keep them in order. On the third day police came to see where all of the staff had gone. All of the kids were arrested and placements moved. No one ever found the staff in Ms.priester’s room.THE END.


  1. Remember to your writing in one tense. Make sure you look over your work before posting it--or have somebody else proofread it.

  2. In addition,this paragraph is not written in third-person narration.

  3. Nice job on doing your home work. You are improving this semester big time.
